HR Consulting Services

We offer a wide array of recruitment consulting services, including planning of recruitment, referral and alumni recruitment promotion, branding, and interviewer training.


We will tailor our plans to address your specific recruitment challenges
and requirements. Contact us to get started.

  • Mid-Career & New Grad
    Recruitment Design

    ・Strategic Decision Making
    ・Effective KPI Design
    ・Optimal Channel Selection
    ・Streamlined Recruitment Flow
    ・Innovative Recruitment Planning

  • Recruitment
    Branding Strategies

    ・Press Release Support
    ・Bilingual (English & Japanese)
     Assistance・Advertising Operations Support

  • Alumni Program Design
    & Management

    ・Creating alumni groups
    ・Operational Assistance
    ・Effectiveness Verification

  • Candidate Experience
    (CX) Design

    ・Hiring Data Analysis
    ・Interviewer Analysis
    ・Lead-Time Analysis
    ・CX Design
    ・Effectiveness Verification

  • Recruiter Training

    ・Recruiter Training
    ・Scout Utilization Guidance
    ・Casual Interview Coaching
    ・Various Role Play Exercises

  • Interviewer Training

    ・Interview Design
    ・Interviewer Analysis
    ・Problem Identification
    ・Interviewer Training
    ・Interview Role-play

  • Candidate/Agent
    Briefing Strategy Design

    ・Corporate Information Organization
    ・Key Points Identification
    ・Presentation Material Creation
    ・Information Session Facilitation

  • Training and Study

    ・Job Market Study Session
    ・IT Engineer Study Session
    ・Hiring & Public Relations
     Study Group

RPO Solution

Our team includes experts from recruitment agencies, RPO service providers, and forward-thinking HR departments. Specializing in digital talent recruitment across Japanese, English and Chinese languages, we provide comprehensive support for career professionals and new graduates alike.

Track Record by business category
  • System integrator
  • Web
  • Manufacturer
  • Consulting
  • Finance
Track Record by business category

We excel in filling all types of positions, with particular expertise in complex technical roles.

  • IT
  • Application Engineering
  • Infrastructure Engineering
  • Data Science
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Embedded Engineering
  • Business Planning
  • Consulting
  • Marketing
  • Product Planning
  • Human Resources


From setting up direct recruitment systems to guiding departments on casual interviews,
we support every aspect of your recruitment process and organizational structure. We'll create a
flexible plan tailored to your needs. Contact us to get started.

  • Streamlined LinkedIn

    ・Culture Page Setup
    ・Job Posting and Ad Distribution
    ・Post-Setup Review
     and Optimization

  • Direct Recruitment

    ・Job Requirements
     & Post Creation
    ・Configuration of scout tools
    ・Sourcing & Scout Messaging
    ・Candidate Interviews
     & Profile Notes
    ・Recomendation of candidates
    ・ATS Registration
      & Progress Support

  • RPO

    ・Job Requirements & Post Creation
    ・Agent Management
    ・Document Screening
    ・First-Round Interview

  • Business Outsourcing
    (Hourly/Project Contract)

    As talent acquisition partners, we manage all aspects of the recruitment process on behalf of your company.

Core Support Features

Flexible Support Planning
We can handle various types of recruitment tasks, offering services ranging from devising recruitment strategies, defining job requirements, defining recruitment methods, executing and managing operations, to handling all aspects of direct recruitment activities and general recruiter duties. For large-scale projects, we can assemble teams to provide support with multiple members. We will flexibly set up support plans tailored to address your company's recruitment challenges.
Empower your recruitment
with customized teams.
At LeIN, our consultants are divided into three specialized divisions, each deeply knowledgeable in their fields. We customize support teams to meet your recruitment needs and swiftly address new challenges with specialized expertise, ensuring optimal support at all times.
Our teams excel in diverse enterprise roles, specializing in DX promotion and sourcing top digital talent to meet your staffing needs.
Our team, comprised of Japanese returnees and native English speakers, specializes in recruiting for Japanese and international companies, offering our services in Japanese, English, and Chinese.
Our team specializes in consulting, IT/web, and entertainment industries, with expertise in recruiting IT personnel. The team is comprised of ex-agencies or ex-engineers with direct recruiting experience.


We support a wide range of companies, from major enterprises to start-ups.
Here are examples of our support and client feedback.

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